Ncis All Seasons Dvd

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NCIS Characters TV Tropes. The characters of the hit series NCIS. Warning Theres a lot of untagged spoilers here. Probably best not to read this unless youre caught up. That suspects would rather confess than be interrogated by him That his steely gaze can cool a room by five degrees That he can only be killed by a silver bullet, like a werewolfBy viewing our video content you are accepting the terms of our Video Services Policy. Find great deals on eBay for ncis los angeles and ncis los angeles 3. Shop with confidence. NCIS is a CBS network show about a team of special agents from the Naval Criminal Investigative Service of the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps. Well, its all true, except the silver bullet part. Might give him indigestion or heartburn, but I dont think itd kill him. Watch Ghosts Of Darkness Dailymotion. Any other questions Not to be confused with Ludicrous Gibbs, though he does pull some pretty crazy stunts to get the bad guys. A former US Marine Scout Sniper, he joined what was then called the Naval Investigative Service shortly after the First Gulf War in the wake of his first wife and daughters murders. I/717gxEwWT9L._SY445_.jpg' alt='Ncis All Seasons Dvd' title='Ncis All Seasons Dvd' />He rose up the ranks to become the Special Agent in Charge of the Major Case Response Team, responsible for investigating Navy and Marine Corps related crimes in and around Washington DC, and has a rather hands on approach when it comes to maintaining discipline amongst his subordinates. He is a master interrogator and there are very few people who are bravestupid enough to try and resist his death glare. Also, he is a functional mute. Affectionate Gesture to the Head Only Gibbs could turn his repeated dope slaps to Di. Nozzo into this. Always Gets His Man Highlighted in Mind Games The serial killer featured in that episode was the boogeyman of D. C. When explaining the case to Mc. Gee, Tony and Paula Cassidy finished by saying. He has critical information that he doesnt remember. Luckily, remembrance is just a Dope Slap away. Atonement Detective. Bad Boss Gibbs leans toward this when hes really angry or upset, as his already considerable impatience skyrockets, his tolerance for the teams personality quirks goes right out the window, and he gets a lot snippier and Drill Sergeant Nasty ish. Badass Grandpa Hes well into his 6. Basement Dweller He spends most of his spare time in his basement working on various carpentry projects, usually boats. As a sign of just how messed up his personal life is, hes all but abandoned the second floor of his house, preferring to sleep on his couch, with the bedrooms being reserved for the occasional guest or if he has a female companion over. Berserk Button Messing with his coffee. Born in the Wrong Century Fairly consistent throughout the series. Example he tried to get a USB drive to work by biting it. He also refers to computer chips and the like with terms such as. One even wound up in a jar of paint thinner. His agents now keep plenty of spares in their desks, ready to hand to him at a moments notice. Watch The War Zone Streaming more. When the stash ran out, the tech department went crazy. When a Roomba vacuum cleaner was about to suck up some of the evidence from a crime scene, he didnt even bother picking it up or trying to turn it off. He stomped it to pieces. Broken Bird He has never fully recovered from the murder of his wife and child. Three ex wives and dozens of girlfriends that didnt go anywhere are what remains of his love life. Bunny Ears Lawyer In a more dramatic than comedic fashion. He has some serious quirks that if not for the fact he gets the bad guys and never gives anything but his best, he wouldnt be employed. For instance, in early seasons, he once interrogated some people by talking with them in autopsy as Ducky was working on their alleged victim. Its acknowledged that except for his impatience for dealing with politics, he could be the Director. Cartwright Curse With his first wife, Jenny Shepard and Diane Sterling. This trend was established even before he lost his beloved Shannonflashbacks to his basic training days show that he had a crush on a female recruit who was killed in action before he ever got a chance to tell her how he felt. Even though it never went beyond flirtation, he clearly felt enough to be devastated by her death as well and to still remember her years later. Catch Phrase. Why dont you find me an answer Hes badass enough to have earned numerous medals and citations to be this if he wanted but he doesnt care for medals. Tony keeps track of his accomplishments. He even gave away his Silver Star which is the second highest honour that a US serviceman can get for valour in the face of the enemy. Cold Sniper Marine sniper previous to his current employment. Cowboy Cop But he always gets away with it. Actually, he didnt rest after that either. Deadpan Snarker More than half of what he says is pure snark. Death Glare Has one that is very effective in breaking a suspect or stop Tony when he was being an idiot. This is his default look when his buttons are pressed. Dented Iron Severely wounded during Desert Storm permanently damaging his eyesight. Later caught in an explosion that caused temporary memory loss. In addition, hes been shot and stabbed several times and nearly drowned once, but recovered no worse for wear. His shooting in the Season 1. His knee was obliterated necessitating replacement surgery and he admits, in a rare show of vulnerability, that hes experiencing chronic pain. Determinator Few things will stop him from getting Justice for those harmed. He will even break some laws if need be. Dope Slap Aka the. Hes even self inflicted when he knew he was doing something hed slap any of his agents for. Drives Like Crazy Kate at one point describes his driving as. If theres a child involved, he will take the case very seriously. Guile Hero Just as guile as a Magnificent Bastard is magnificent. Gut Feeling Its legendary. Some fans consider his gut an extra character. His gut has Memetic Badass status in universe. The Hero. Harpo Does Something Funny Gibbs strong but silent characterization comes from Mark Harmon deciding early on to not say his lines as written in the scripts and simply reacting with facial expressions as other actors say their parts of the dialogue. Writers have since started doing what they call a. Hes dating a redhead in the series. When Tony learns about Gibbs flirting with a suspect, his immediate response is. Allison Hart if she ever used to be a redhead, apparently bewildered by his attraction to her, given that shes a brunette. There might be a Freudian Excuse for thisin. Averted with CGIS Agent Abigail Borin. Despite a genuine mutual respect and their virtually identical personalities, theres no hint of an attraction. Even the team fails to note that shes a redhead when debating the possibility of fixing the two up. Heterosexual Life Partners With Ducky. Hidden Depths He apparently plays racquetball and wanted to be a painter when he was younger wanting to specialize in watercolors. Honorary Uncle To Fornells daughter who calls him Uncle Gibbs by their mutual ex wife. Also with Mike Franks half Arab granddaughter who is also his goddaughter. Hopeless with Tech Ironically enough, 2. Gibbs went undercover as a computer technician. The team finds this hilarious when they find out. Icy Blue Eyes Not always, but employed whenever he gives a Death Glare. Informed Flaw The injury that damaged his eyesight did nothing to impair his shooting skills, including sniping a terrorist through a window from a mile away. Its Personal He has a tendency to do this. As said, anything involving children or otherwise reminding him of Shannon and Kelly automatically becomes this. Hurting anyone from his team also pushes him to this point. But every criminal that is disgusting enough to him can trigger this. Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Knight in Shining Armor To the women in his team, especially Abby. Last Name Basis. Laymans Terms Does this at least once an episode, mostly to Abby, Ducky and Mc. Gee. The Leader Of the Major Response Team. Magnetic Hero. Married to the Job Particularly in early seasons. The job is pretty clearly a substitute for his late first wife and daughter, and he pursues it doggedly and near obsessively. He expects the same of his team. Memetic Badass In universe. Gibbs, a former Marine, is a tough investigator and a highly skilled interrogator who relies on his gut instinct as much as evidence. Gibbs second in command is Senior Field Agent Tony Di. Nozzo, a womanizing, movie quoting former Baltimore Homicide Detective, who despite being the class clown always gets the job done. The team also consists of probationary field agent Eleanor Bisbop, a former NSA agent, as well as Junior Field Agent Timothy Mc. Gee, a computer savvy agent often mocked by Di. Nozzo. Assisting them are Abby Sciuto, the energetic but Goth lab tech who is like a daughter to Gibbs, and Dr. Donald Mallard, nicknamed Ducky, the eccentric medical examiner full of unusual stories. This team of elite agents, based in Washington, D. C., solve criminal cases involving Marine and Navy personnel and their families, sometimes. Even in the hands of the most experienced shooter there is recoil and slight muzzle rise, or. This never happens to the agents. To counter the evolving threats NCIS has implemented a new proactive strategic plan which emphasizes the following priorities Prevent terrorism and related hostile acts against Do. N forces and installments Protect Do. N systems and information against compromise Reduce criminal activity and mitigate the impact on Navy and Marine Corps operational readiness See more.