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Why White Nationalism 1. Failed. After chatting with Brett Stevens on Twitter, this is my attempt to move beyond the recent tiff and explain why White Nationalism 1. Alt- Right is moving beyond that now. Watch Frat Party Online. I’ve outlined the external and internal factors that held the movement back: Structural Factors. Here’s a summary of the most important external headwinds which held White Nationalism 1.

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Barack Obama/Donald Trump era. The Cold War. The Cold War with the Soviet Union that was the driving force behind many of these undesirable racial and cultural changes in the West. For decades, anti- communism was the glue that held together the diverse factions of the Right. The specter of nuclear war with the Soviet boogeyman ensured that foreign policy took precedence over domestic policy in the United States. Historically speaking, conflict with a European opponent has always driven bouts of racial egalitarianism in the United States. It happened in the aftermath of the American Revolution (Britain), the Reconstruction period (the Confederacy) and the Second World War (Nazi Germany).

Usually, these episodes are followed by a longer period of retrenchment (the Antebellum era and the Jim Crow South), but the Cold War stretched the last major conflict out for two generations. Trust In Institutions. The Greatest Generation which enacted the sweeping changes of the 1. They had beaten the Great Depression, the Axis Powers and were racing the Soviets to put a man on the moon.

There was this naive mindset at the time that America could do anything. This is how we got the War on Racism, the War on Drugs and the War on Poverty. In retrospect, this was an unusual period in American history when the mass media had been concentrated in a few hands and was trusted because journalists were considered to be objective. The anchors of the Big Three networks had a degree of authority which doesn’t exist anymore. The introduction of cable television, the rise of talk radio and finally the internet has changed the media landscape.

A handful of elite media executives no longer have the power to control the narrative. The Greatest Generation and Boomers. The Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers grew up at a time when their formative experiences in life were shaped by conflict with Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union and later the Civil Rights Movement.

They grew up under a very different media landscape than their children and grandchildren. Costs of Diversity. The United States was 8.

Hispanic White in 1. It was 6. 1. 3% non- Hispanic White in the 2. The costs of diversity weren’t readily apparent to most White Americans in the 1.

The issue simply wasn’t “baked” yet. For many decades, the Baby Boomers were able to navigate around the racial issue by moving to lily White suburbs, but this is increasingly unaffordable for Millennials. The Economy. The postwar boom combined with immigration restriction had created flush times in an the United States by the 1.

This was the context of the social experiments of that transformative decade. America was overwhelmingly White and was rich and naive enough to be more generous on race. It took decades for neo- liberalism and globalization to take its toll on the middle class. This was punctuated by two periods when Americans began to feel better about the economy under Ronald Reagan in the 1. Bill Clinton in the 1. Today, the average American middle class and working class household has the same income it did in 1. The benefits of the economic growth of the last twenty years have accrued to only the upper class.

The Opposition’s Extremism. The Left used to have a different message on race and culture. It was about everyone having equal rights, happy talk about colorblindness and minorities sharing in America’s prosperity. This was the message that White America was sold on during the Civil Rights Movement.

It was a time when MLK and his fellow black reverends were still imbued with the moral authority they lost in later decades. The Jamelle Bouies and Ta- Nehisi Coates will never be able to play the race card as effectively as their predecessors. Republican Party.

The Republican Party was a far stronger institution before W. Iraq War. There were far more voters from the Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers who brought up in the aforementioned media landscape. They are dwindling every year and many of the changes we see going on today is due to generational turnover. Conservatism. The conservative movement was also far stronger and more dominant than it was in the past. It was easier in the old days for William F.

Buckley and National Review to purge rightwing dissenters because publishing and the distribution of ideas was so much more expensive. The SPLCThe SPLC has cheapened the “hate group” label by being so promiscuous with it. It is no longer the deterrent that it was in the past.

Few people on the Right trust the SPLC or the mainstream media anymore and they are unlikely to recover that prestige. Taboos. The whole structure of politically correct taboos that has controlled discourse and narrowed the range of “respectable” behavior on the Right for two generations has similarly been cheapened and weakened through overuse.

For the woke progressive, there is no difference between Ben Shapiro and Hunter Wallace. We’re all racists, Nazis, white supremacists, evil haters, etc., etc. The White Majority. The White majority was much stronger in the past. Republicans didn’t need to win 6.

White vote to win the presidency. Because Whites are now such a smaller part of the electorate and our share of it has grown over time, we have more leverage now than our predeccesors. Failure of MLK’s Dream. There was a time in the early years when it was still conceivable that could achieve racial equality and live in a colorblind society, but this fantasy is much less plausible fifty years later.

Opposition Tactics. For many years, Antifas were able to use violence, doxxing, no platforming to discourage our organizing. The more violent groups were also subjected to government crackdowns and SPLC lawsuits. Barack Obama. Until the Barack Obama presidency, White America was able to pretend that it was “progressing” toward a post- racial society which would fulfill MLK’s Dream. Black America could entertain the fantasy that a black president could change their circumstances. In hindsight, the Obama presidency was a destabilizing time that shattered many illusions which had held sway in previous decades.

Donald Trump. Donald Trump was the rock that White America finally threw through the glass window of the status quo. The 2. 01. 6 election severely weakened all norms and institutions in ways that will have long consequences. We can see this playing out with the mainstream media which has lost its ability to police the narrative and control discourse and by extension shape the nature of our politics. Internal Factors. Here’s a brief list of some of the most important internal factors which prevented White Nationalism 1. Radical Individualism.

White Nationalism 1. These people are extreme non- conformists and expressive individualists. This stratum of the population is always found at the fringes of society and have a personality type that is resistant to social conditioning. The same characteristic that initially opened their minds to our message holds back the larger social movement when they reach a critical mass. There are legions of these ornery people out there who are naturally disagreeable and incapable of finding common ground and working with others to advance a common purpose. They are a familiar figure in all marginalized extremist movements.

The low trust, anonymous nature of online messageboards is the perfect breeding ground for their worst tendencies. These gadflys are commonly found engaging in shit stirring and crank spiraling and the distractions they create prevented White Nationalism 1.