Watch Revelation Road: The Beginning Of The End Online

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EQU_7CyjoDE/UjD8N_JKZ-I/AAAAAAAABHM/33jObaqpQeg/s640/104763_gal.png.jpg' alt='Watch Revelation Road: The Beginning Of The End Online' title='Watch Revelation Road: The Beginning Of The End Online' />Watch Revelation Road: The Beginning Of The End OnlineThe 1. YEAR END TIME GENERATION 1. Eclipse of the century and interviews about Revelation 1. Mark Biltz THE GREAT AMERICAN SOLAR ECLIPSE OF 2. This Prophecy Signs in Revelation 1. Newsletter Pastor Mark Biltz September 2. UNDERSTANDING REVELATION AND RHEMABefore I share with you my understanding of the end generation, I need to explain something that few understand in the body of Christ, even among the Charismatics who emphasize the spirituals the gifts of the Spirit. Much of what is preached and taught in todays Churches is nothing more than the letter of the Word and not the Spirit. The Holy Spirit alone gives the revelation the spiritual understanding of the Word of God. Scholarship is not Holy Spirit revelation. Men of great intellect and scholarschip write and teach on many subjects about the Bible, but that does not mean it is the revelation of the Word. Commentaries abound on what men believe the Bible says, yet when compared to the literal grammatical interpretation fail the test of proper hermeneutics interpretation. Moreover, hermeneutics that does not depend upon the Holy Spirit for revelation is nothing but mans opinion. The Word of God was given to men by God to write it down in books. That is called inspiration. Notice that it came from God to man, not from man to man. This is always the order of interpretation. Peter said the Word of God is not the private interpretation of man, meaning that the Word of God did not originate from man no matter how great an intellect he may be II Peter 1 2. Second, it is not enough to believe in the inspiration of the Scriptures apart from Holy Spirit revelation. Unless the Holy Spirit imparts the revelation or understanding, it is nothing but a dead letter. This is the meaning of Pauls comments in I Corinthians 2 1. BibMe Free Bibliography Citation Maker MLA, APA, Chicago, Harvard. Subscribe and SAVE, give a gift subscription or get help with an existing subscription by clicking the links below each cover image. You are here Home End Time Bible Prophecy Believers Will Escape Gods Wrath Biblical Foreshadows of the Rapture. Paul sarcastically asked the Corinthians if the Word of God originated from them I Corinthians 1. Holy Spirit Revelation. Holy Spirit revelation is a lost doctrine in the body of Christ today and is replaced largely by intellectual scholarship. Sadly, the saints do not know the difference. Likewise, emotional preaching and teaching The make me feel good motivation teaching has supplanted revelation and many saints are following these highly paid speakers. Truth is not founded upon either an intellectual or emotional presentation of the Word of God that often alters it to make it more acceptable to the hearers, but upon Gods original intent, which is to make us more holy and righteous in our character and conduct. The saints develop a holy walk by conviction and repentance of sin sometimes accompanied by chastening, even severe chastening. The milk toast make me feel good message coming from pulpits and seminairs today do not challenge the saints to live holy and godly lives in a godless world. In addition, not understanding Holy Spirit revelation, many saints do not live by rhema faith. What do I mean by rhema faithThe Greek word rhema, which is the word used in Romans 1. Ephesians 6 1. 7 for the Word of God means personalized revelation, that is, what God is saying through His Word today from the written Word to our reborn spirits. Without rhema there is no real faith Most Christians live by logos faith. Logos is the written Word of God the letter of the Word. Until the Holy Spirit breathes upon the written Word and imparts theknowledge and understanding to our spirits, we are living by the letter of the Wordand not by revelation faith. How does rhema work and this is something that most do not understand including so called Bible scholarsThe Lord may speak from an Old or New Testament Scripture, which the original meaning and purpose was for a different time and to a different people direct revelation yet give an application for the present time. The following is the word I was given about the 1. Am I implying that it is going to happen exactly as I say While I believe the 1. Scriptures, the dates could be off a few years because the calendars havebeen altered over many millenniums. In addition, God operates on the sacred calendar, not the secular calendar we use today. THE END GENERATION AND THE YEAR 2. HOW LONG IS THE END TIME GENERATION CAN IT BE KNOWN How long is a biblical generation Does the Bible offer any insight for determining the lenght of a generationI think there are several clues which give us a key in determining the duration of the END TIME GENERATION. First, the Greek word for generation is Genea connected with Ginomai which means to become primarly signifying a begetting or BIRTH or race of people possessing similar charateristics, pursuits, etc. Therefore, one definition of generation is that it refers to a particular people with their characteristic lineage and identifying traits, which distinguish them from all other races of people. When the Lord Jesus used the word Generation in Matthew 2. He was referring to the Jewish people identified by their particular religion and culture symbolized by the Fig Tree. Notice in Vines definition of generation, he says it signifies a BEGETTING OR BIRTH. In the context of Matthew 2. The Lord Jesus is not speaking of an individuals birth, but the birth of a nation a nation of people having the same characteristics, traits, and pursuits and that have a kinship with the land of Israel and the city of Jerusalem unlike any other race of people on the earth. In addition when the Lord Jesus said THIS GENERATION, He was speaking of a certain time period as distinguished from alle others before it. The Lord used the same stipulation in reference to the Hebrew people who came out of Egyptian bondage and their wilderness experience in Psalm 9. Forty years long was I grieved with THIS GENERATIONThe generation of Israel that experienced the exodus from Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, the receiving of the Law on Mount Sinai, and all the miraculous events of that period, no other generation would again experience. It was a definite time determined by God and would be the foundation for succeeding generations of Israel. The same can be said of the generation when Israel returns to the land in the latter days. It is a specific period that will usher in the Time of Jacobs Trouble to the Jewish people and tribulation to the Gentile world. The Lord Jesus said it would be a time unlike any generation before or after it. This generation has a beginning and an ending. We know the beginning, but howlong is it and when does it end FOURDIFFERENT TIMES THE KEY TO THE END GENERATION1. Gen. 6 8. 1. 00 bondage The Bible mentions several different periods that define a complete generation. The first is 1. 00 YEARS. When God gave the covenant to Abraham in Genesis 1. He told him that his seed the Hebrew people would be in bondage in Egypte for 4. That makes a generation approximately 1. A second period of determining a biblical generation is 4. YEARS. When God led Israel out of Egypt, He intended that they enter the promise land and conquer the Canaanites, but instead of obeying Him, they sent 1. Because of disobeying God, they were required to spend 4. As a result, God said He was grieved with this generation forty years Psalm 9. In Deuteronony 2 1. God said that He waited until all the men of war died before He brought Israel out of the wildernis. According to the Torah The Law, an Israeli male could not go to war until he was 2. Numbers 1 3. Therefor, when all the men of war had either been killed or died by the age of 6. God brought Israel out of the wilderness into the Promised Land. In doing this, God defined the generation of the men of war to be a period of 4. Israeli man could not go to war pass the age of 6. When God destroyed the world in the flood judgment of Noahs day, it rained for 4. Moses was on the mountain of God Mount Sinai for 4. Commandments. Elijah fasted for 4. Jezebel was pursuing him. Jesus was led away by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil for 4. A Testimony of Jesus Christ 3. Revelation 2. 3. 2. Revelation 2 1. Having been commissioned by Christ to write the things which you have seen, and the things which are, and the things which will take place after this Rev. John now records the things which areJesus assessment of the condition of the Seven Churches of Asia at the time John wrote. This subject will occupy Revelation 2 and 3 until John is called up to heaven at the beginning of Revelation 4 in order to witness and record the things which will take place after this. The evaluation, exhortation, and promises which Jesus gives to each of the seven churches provide important insights into the conditions of the early church. The seven letters to the churches also challenge us today to examine our own lives to see which attributes of the seven churches, whether good and bad, are evident in our own lives See the discussion concerning the identity of the angel at Revelation 1 2. Ephesus. See Seven Churches of Asia. At the time of Johns writing, Ephesus was an important seaport city of the Roman province of Asia. Today, the site is stranded several miles from the sea on the edge of a swampy alluvial plain and the former harbor is marked by a reed bed. Ephesus was famous for its Temple of Artemis Diana in Latin, 4. Acts 1. 9. 2. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus. The presence of the temple of Artemis Diana added to the commercial importance of Ephesus, for two reasons. First, the temple was regarded as sacrosanct throughout the Mediterranean world and thus became the primary banking institution of Asia Minor. Second, pilgrims swelled the population and contributed substantially to Ephesian business, especially during the festivals of Artemis MarchApril. So prominent was the city that during the early Christian period the population of Ephesus probably exceeded a quarter million. The important place which Artemis held in the city, both religiously and commercially, can be seen by the riot which ensued in reaction to Pauls ministry Acts 1. One of the months of the calendar was named after Artemis and a yearly celebration was held in her honor. The ancient temple of the great goddess identified with Artemis stood less than a mile outside the walls of the city. Ephesus also participated in the imperial cult where temples were built to Claudius, Hadrian, and Severus. Watch Midnight Special Online Hulu. Magic was a thriving art at Ephesus. Scripture records the value of books burned by those who practiced magic as fifty thousand pieces of silver Acts 1. Ephesus also had a reputation as a seat of learning. Paul is recorded as having taught at one such established school, the School of Tyrannus Acts 1. Ephesus was the scene for Justins Dialogue with Trypho. Ephesus was probably listed as the first city of the seven to receive the letter from John due to its proximity to Patmos see Seven Churches of Asia map and its key location on major overland routes Ephesus lay at the intersection of two ancient major overland routes the coastal road that ran north through Smyrna and Pergamum to Troas near ancient Troy and the western route to Colossae, Hierapolis, Laodicea, and regions of Phrygia and beyond. Ephesus can also be viewed as the starting point of a type of postal route. Pergamum and southwest through Sardis to Laodicea. Although Paul ministered extensively at Ephesus The first arrival of the gospel in Ephesus is unrecorded. According to Acts 2 9. Jews resident in Asia were present in Jerusalem on the day of Pentecost. And we are told of disciples in Ephesus before Pauls arrival, though they are represented as imperfectly instructed Acts 1. Acts 1. 8 2. 4ff. Paul first visited Ephesus on his second missionary journey Acts 1. Acts 2. 0 3. 1. Paul wrote his first letter to the Corinthian church from there. It was at Ephesus that Apollos, a disciple of John the Baptist, was instructed by Aquila and Priscilla Acts 1. When returning from his third missionary journey to Jerusalem, Paul passed by Ephesus, but stopped in Miletus. From there, he sent for and met with the elders of the church at Ephesus Acts 2. The church at Ephesus had plural eldership well in advance of Johns writing this letter which adds to the difficulties attending the identification of the angel of the churchsee commentary on Revelation 1 2. Paul asked Timothy to remain in Ephesus in his absence 1. Ti. 1 3 and wrote his epistle to the Ephesian church in A. D. 6. 0 6. 2 after his third missionary journey, A. D. 5. 3 5. 7 which was delivered by Tychicus Eph. Tradition holds that the John left Jerusalem prior to its destruction and in about A. D. 6. 6 relocated to Ephesus which was his main place of ministry during the closing years of his life. If Mary were still alive, she would have undoubtedly traveled with him John 1. About 5 km 3 mi from Ephesus was constructed the Basilica of St. John. John is supposed to be buried there. But Meinardus asks which John, since according to Eusebius HE iii. Papias, the famed second century bishop of Hierapolis, asserts there were also two tombs in Ephesus, and that both are called Johns even to this day. This church erected to the memory of John is not to be confused with the Church of the Virgin Mary in which the Council of Ephesus was held in A. D. 4. 31, when Nestorius was condemned in the Theotokos issue. The stones and pillars of the Temple of Artemis were used in the construction of both the great Basilica of St. Sophia at Constantinople and the early Church of St. John at Ephesus. Although Ephesus lies in ruins today, the railway station nearby is called Ayasoluk, a corruption of Gk hagios Theologos, the holy theologian, a well known reference in Eastern Christendom to the beloved Evangelist. His right hand. The titles which Jesus assumes in each letter are primarily derived from Revelation 1 1. Here, The Ephesian church has lost its first love Rev. Jesus reminds them that it is He Who is the protector of the starsthey are held in His right hand, secure and in a position of favor John 1. He has not left them, but they have left Him Deu. Jos. 1 5 Mat. 2. Heb. See commentary on Revelation 1 1. He is the One in the midst of the churches and will always be with them Mat. Him Rev. 2 4. See commentary on Revelation 1 1. Revelation 2 2. I know. Perfect tense, oida, I have known. His knowledge of their past works results in the commendations and exhortations which presently follow. Christ is omniscient. See commentary on Revelation 1 1. The Ephesian church had worked hard and born a consistent load of service. The Christian life, though full of joy, is also attended by much labor and hardship 2. Cor. 1. 1 2. 7. Continual labor requires continual patience. Believers are to persevere and not grow weary Isa. Gal. 6 9 2. Th. Heb. Those who die in the Tribulation are said to obtain rest from their labors and their works follow them Rev. The Ephesian church did not bear those who were evil. This must refer to the Scriptural application of church discipline to protect the gathering from those who were not truly of them Mat. Cor. 5 5 1. Ti. The sphere in which the Angel of Ephesus had the chief opportunity of manifesting this holy intolerance of evil doers was, no doubt, that of Church discipline, separating off from fellowship with the faithful those who named the name of Christ, yet would not depart from iniquity 2. Ti. 2 1. 9. 1. 5. A letter written by Ignatius A. D. 9. 8 1. 17 mentions this commendable characteristic of the Ephesian church But I have learned that certain people. You covered up your ears in order to avoid receiving the things being sown by themIgnatius, The Letter of Ignatius to the Ephesians. The Ephesian church was diligent in evaluating those who ministered in their midst. All things are to be tested by the measure of Gods Word Isa. Mat. 7 1. 6. This is especially true of those things which are claimed to be of the Spirit of God, but are not 1.