Watch Rigged Online

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Like this story Steal it Feel free to republish it in part or in full, just please give credit to The Colorado Independent and add a link to the original. Washington CNNDonald Trump is playing with fire. The Republican presidential nominees claim that the election is being rigged against him represents the. Watch Survivor Online for Free. Watchepisodes4. com is the best site for Survivor Online Streaming. With all the recent controversy Overwatch has been getting, it seems like I was right from the beginning Overwatch will be all about Asses. Firebrand made a little. KCRA 3 Television, Where the News Comes First primary It s how you know secondary website slogan, Ch. Sacramento, CA, United States. Watch live, find. Walkthrough Watch Dogs watchdogslaunchtrailer Welcome to the Walkthrough for the openworld hacking game Watch Dogs. Watch Dogs sees vigilante hacker. Is Online Poker Rigged By Greg Walker. Firstly I will clarify what most people mean when they say that online poker is rigged or fixed. This idea is suggested. Tu-CAxKIf8/hqdefault.jpg' alt='Watch Rigged Online' title='Watch Rigged Online' />A guide to Donald Trumps rigged election. Zombie Democrats, colluding reporters and backstabbing Republicans. By DARREN SAMUELSOHN1. PM EDTDead Democrats who absolutely vote. Phony polling and the colluding media refusing to report on his imminent victory. Paul Ryans backstabbing months long campaign to get Hillary Clinton elected president. Donald Trump and his supporters keep adding to their list of the dubious ways theyve been boxed out from winning the White House. And with Election Day now just 1. Watch Rigged Online' title='Watch Rigged Online' />Story Continued Below. Like any compelling conspiracy theory, there are some kernels of truth. The countrys voting system is indeed disparate and clunky, and its not uncommon for the recently deceased to linger on registration rolls. Rid of context, some of John Podestas hacked emails look fishy. Hackers have even demonstrated theyre capable of messing with electronic voting machines. Wait a Minute Was the Wheel Rigged History Is Made on The Price Is Right Sep 22, 2017 Post A Comment. But many of these suspicions, while popular in Trumps social media circle, are half baked. And thats bothersome to leaders from both parties who fret the consequences every time the GOP presidential nominee riles up his supporters. Its irresponsible and its ignorant at best, Utah Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox, a Republican and a lead election official in his state, told POLITICO. Its very troublesome and I can assure you there is no deep rooted conspiracy here in the state of Utah to have a rigged election. Added President Barack Obama You are much likelier to be struck by lightning than have somebody next to you commit voter fraud. A decisive Clinton win in less than two weeks would render Trumps assertions moot. But its another story if the presidential election becomes a squeaker, where the difference in one or two swing states sends the election into an overtime recount. Then the rigged rallying cry Trump has been using for months to excite his base would matter a great deal during the standoff. Only a few of Trumps claims would actually be relevant to any legal challenges, but theyd be especially potent pieces in the corresponding PR war that could go a long way toward delegitimizing a new Clinton administration. With Trump threatening to withhold his concession unless he wins, its time for a POLITICO guide to the rigged election Look out Zombie voters If Trump loses, he says it wont be because of legitimate voters. Watch A Patch Of Blue Putlocker there. Instead, hell lose because of dead ones. You have 1. Now, tell me how they do that, Trump told Sean Hannity last week during an interview on Fox News. Trump has expanded his argument with the claim Clinton will win thanks to the 2. That means theyre voting twice, he declared. The Republicans statistics are pretty much spot on. They come from a 2. Pew Center on the States that he name checked during last weeks final debate in Las Vegas. But heres the problem with Trumps argument Theres no evidence that either of the two problems hes flagging happen at any size or scale. For starters, the Pew report was written at the time to explain how voter registration dates to the 1. Americans mobile lifestyles. It had nothing to do with the idea that people were actually voting in two separate states in the same election, a scenario that the reports co author said has resulted in just a handful of prosecutions in recent election cycles. Instead, the report was trying to highlight a problem states face keeping tabs on their transitory residents as they move from one place to another without also updating their voter registration data. Pew also offered no finding on Trumps claim that people are showing up to vote using the name of someone who had died. The suggestion that the country is plagued with a herd of zombie voters just hasnt been born out in any kind of serious official investigation or criminal prosecutions. To commit voter fraud like this, someone would have to show their face before witnesses in order to cast a single ballot in an election where there might be 1. It doesnt make much sense to do that, explained David Becker, the former Pew official who co authored the report Trump has been citing. Its a felony with hardly any payoff. Its not the crime of the century. Trumps own exit pollsters. Trump and his supporters arent letting go of the claim therell be Election Day fraud. Indeed, his campaign for months has been using its website Help Me Stop Crooked Hillary From Rigging This Election to recruit volunteers who will be sent to churches, schools and other local polling places across the country in search of evidence of wrongdoing. While Trump officials didnt respond to requests for comment about how many people it expects to deploy for its poll watching efforts, traces of a game plan are starting to turn up around the country. The San Antonio Express News reported last week on a spike in GOP volunteers who have signed up through their local county party offices to be volunteer monitors. In Ohio, Trump supporters from rural counties told The Columbus Dispatch theyll be driving into urban precincts to watch the polls, a plan thats raised alarm among Democrats and local officials concerned about voter intimidation. Trumps allies are also going to be on the ground searching for evidence of vote rigging in several key swing state metro areas, including Cleveland Charlotte and Fayetteville, North Carolina Detroit Miami Fort Lauderdale Milwaukee Philadelphia Richmond, Virginia and Las Vegas. Those urban spots werent picked at random. They are where Democrats hold many of the key local levers of power, and longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone said its where hes most suspicious of Clinton supporters running up her totals by ballot stuffing or hacking into the voting machines. Stones plan, mounted through a non profit group named Stop the Steal, will involve sending 1,3. In an interview, Stone said hed make his exit polls public if they show a difference thats greater than 2 percent, a variance that he said would suggest something suspicious has happened. The aim, Stone explained, is to produce solid evidence of a rigged election that the Trump campaign could use in court. If theres real evidence of electoral fraud then itd be un American of him to not challenge the results, Stone said. Dishonest polls and a colluding media. The latest data coming in both nationally and in swing states has been anything but good for Trumps campaign, and thats led to the latest pivot in the Republicans rigged election message a full bore attack on the polls themselves and the media that hes long courted but also loathed for reporting on them. Major story that the Dems are making up phony polls in order to suppress the the sic Trump, he posted Monday morning on Twitter, not long before a visit to a South Florida pumpkin patch where he complained about the phony, disgusting, dishonest papers that were reporting him as lagging behind Clinton in the polls. Trumps surrogates have been fanning the flames, dubious of polls and news reports that show Republicans bolting their nominee. Something about it is just, I dont know, strange. Its all confusing out there, Rush Limbaugh wrote last week on his Facebook page. If youre supporting Trump, a political novice who has no experience whatsoever and who has entered the race with specific objectives, how in the world could you be talked out of that and persuaded to vote for the exact opposite of why you supported Trump in the first placeAttacking the polls themselves has also become a prominent part of Trumps social media circle. An email released Sunday as part of the Podesta Wiki. Leaks trove prompted an onlineoutcry as the Republicans supporters claimed they had found evidence of the way Democrats cook surveys to dampen their opponents support. Their object of concern An. Tom Matzzie, a longtime Democratic operative, who was asking his colleagues for some help to recommend oversamples for an upcoming poll. Matzzie, however, offered up a much simpler explanation.