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North Korea Releases New War Games For Smartphones. North Koreans, they’re just like us! By which I mean they love smartphone games about war. And according to North Korean state media, the people of that isolated country have three new war- themed smartphone games to choose from.

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First spotted in English- language media by NK News, the new games are titled Confrontation War, Guardian, and Goguryeo Battlefield. And while the Goguryeo game is historical, focusing on the period between 5. BC and 6. 68 AD, the other two are set in present day, as nuclear tensions increase between North Korea and the United States.

I’m not scared to say it: I love a good Subway sandwich. My dad used to take me to the only Subway in town after we went grocery shopping, and I remember tracking. Jihad Watch. Exposing the role that Islamic jihad theology and ideology play in the modern global conflicts. Free odysseus papers, essays, and research papers. These results are sorted by most relevant first (ranked search). You may also sort these by color rating or. North Koreans, they’re just like us! By which I mean they love smartphone games about war. And according to North Korean state media, the people of that isolated.

North Korea’s state- run media outlet Arirang- Meari reported today that the new games have, “become popular among youth students and workers” and are enjoyable for their “rugged confrontation with the enemy.” You can probably guess who North Korea considers the enemy. The naval warfare game Guardian, developed by North Korea’s Advanced Technology Research Institute, allows players to, “use submarine rockets to destroy enemy submarines by using lightning, nuclear submarines and anti- submarine rockets equipped in friendly ships.” Arirang- Meari doesn’t give a description for Confrontation War, but judging by the name and the explosion on the Start screen (the screenshot for the game is the top image on this post), things go boom. It’s estimated that roughly 3 million of North Korea’s 2. Most of the phones are developed in China, though North Korea does have its own smartphone industry.

As Gizmodo’s own Adam Clark Estes recently pointed out, North Korea’s latest phone, the Jindallae 3, looks an awful lot like an i. Phone. The country also makes computing products that clearly take inspiration from American companies. And while they don’t necessarily bear any resemblance all the time, it’s clear where they often get the name. North Korea even has an i.

Pad, though you’d never mistake it for the one made by Apple. There aren’t reliable numbers on the North Korean mobile gaming market, but with limited options for distraction and a small but growing number of phones in the hands of the country’s elites, you can bet that many people are downloading the games to play- act destruction of the Yankee Imperialist Dogs at their doorstep. Or whatever the Kim regime is calling Americans these days. North Koreans may not have personalities like Arnold Schwarzenegger to sell them games, but like I said, they’re just like us. And if that doesn’t scare you about the prospect of nuclear war started by our two idiot leaders, Kim Jong- un and Donald J. Trump, then nothing will.[NK News and Arirang- Meari].

Medieval Warfare & Medieval arms. The medieval knight was usually mounted and armoured, often connected. Europe. knights could also come from the lower classes.

The cost of a knight's armour, horses, and weapons was great. This. helped transform the knight, at least in western Europe, into a. During the crusades, holy orders of monks who were also knights.

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They were formed to fight in the Holy. Land and became the "storm troops" of the Christian crusaders. Heavy cavalry, armed with lances and an assortment of hand weapons. Middle Ages. The. Heavy cavalry made the difference between victory and defeat in. Their charges could break the lines of most infantry.

Light cavalry consisted of lighter armed and armoured men, who. Light cavalry were used as scouts, skirmishers or outflankers. Many countries developed their own styles of light cavalry, such. Hungarian mounted archers, Spanish jinetes, Italian and German.

Crusaders tended to favour heavy cavalry mounted on mares while. Saracens favoured light cavalry mounted on stallions. Infantry were recruited and trained in a wide variety of manners. Europe all through the Middle Ages, and. Many infantrymen in prolonged wars would be mercenaries. Most. armies contained significant numbers of spearmen, archers and other. In sieges, perhaps the most common element of medieval warfare.

Towards the end of the Middle Ages, with the advancements. In the earliest Middle Ages it was the obligation of every noble. This decentralized system was. The. more resources the noble had access to, the better his troops would. Typically feudal armies consisted of a core of highly skilled knights.

They could, however, be. Towns and cities could also. As central governments grew in power, a return to the citizen and. It is often claimed that the best infantrymen came from the younger. English archers and.

Swiss pikemen. England was one of the most centralized states in the Middle Ages. Hundred Years' War were mostly paid.

In theory, every Englishman had an obligation to. Forty days (called quarantine) was not long. Scutage was introduced, under which most Englishmen paid to escape.

Almost all high medieval armies in Europe were composed of a great. Europe from the early twelfth century. As the Middle Ages progressed, both the Papacy and Italian cities. These would be groups of career soldiers. Mercenaries tended to be effective. In Italy. they came to dominate the armies of the city states.

While at war. they were considerably more reliable than a standing army, but in. Pretorian. Guard had once been in Roman times). Mercenary- on- mercenary warfare in Italy led to relatively bloodless. Knights were drawn to battle by feudal and social obligation, but.

Those who performed. Crusades in the Holy. Land and also European crusades such as the Albigensian Crusade.

War against the Cathars of the Languedoc. For the mounted knight Medieval Warfare could be a relatively. Nobles avoided killing each other, rather preferring. Huge ransoms could be demanded for captured knights and more still. Some knights made their fortunes by fighting. William the Marshall being the best known example. Even peasants. who did not share the bonds of kinship and culture, would often.

On the other hand it was quite common, even. Christendom was shaken.

King Peter II of Aragon was killed fighting on the side of. Raymond of Toulouse at Muret in the Languedoc. Clergymen. played a major part in battles - from their planning to building.

We have many accounts of senior clergy. They are also. depicted in contemporary art - popes, cardinals and bishops, wearing. The role of military bishops is. Clerical combatants are depicted in medieval art and according to. Church considered desirable).

On the other hand swords feature more heavily than maces in the. England bishops Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller, the shock troops of Christian.

If caught by. the enemy they were almost always executed while other knights were. The reason was that they were such fanatical fighters. The practice of carrying relics into battle is a feature that distinguishes. The presence of relics was believed to be an important source of.

Saint. John Chrysostom much more powerful than "walls, trenches, weapons. In Italy, the carroccio or carro della guerra, the "war wagon". A Carroccio was a four- wheeled war altar drawn by. Italy. It was a rectangular.

Priests held services on the altar before the battle, and the trumpeters. The carro della guerra of Milan was draped in scarlet cloth and. Saint George, the city's patron, it carried a crucifix so massive.